Favourite food Recipe:White Sause pasta!


  • Penne pasta
  • water
  • oil
  • chesse
  • Butter
  • Veggies
    • Olives
    • Capsicum
    • Broccoli
  • milk
  • salt and spices
  • Chilli flakes
  • Oregano

Steps To Follow

  1. Boil penne Pasta
  2. Pour oil in a pan and add spices
  3. Add chesse and butter and milk in the pan
  4. Mix it properly
  5. Add vegies
  6. Add the boiled pasta and stir it well
  7. Cook it for few minutes
  8. And serve it

This white sauce is also known as béchamel sauce and has it's origin in French cuisine. Classic béchamel sauce is made with butter, flour and milk. For this pasta, I add cream and this pasta is super cheesy and creamy, just like my family likes it. So this sauce is kind of a mix between alfredo and béchamel. WHITE SAUCE PASTA: The creamy flavour of white sauce pasta may tingle your taste buds but it has a greater fat content. White sauce pasta is made up of milk, flour, butter and cheese to make its sauce creamy and tasty.
